The CIO visionary

after reading his interview i feel J.P. Rangaswamy - the CIO of DrKW must be one the very few people at such position who actually understand the disruptive force of open source and actually adopts it to his organizations advantage. The interview is littered with quotable gems:

"Now no-one gets fired for using Linux or for having Apache or using Tomcat. But this has happened over a relatively short space of time and we have been aggressive in recognising that trend and becoming contributors to the open source movement rather than consumers"
"Much of what I see sent offshore is commoditised stuff where the value should have been in coming together as an industry and saying we'll build utilities that all banks and financial houses can use. The concept of some of our commodity activities being considered differentiating just is not sustainable any more"

"The open source movement is where we're heading."
Definitely worth a read.

Indian Services Companies and Agility

With most of the software world agreeing and adopting Agile as among the better and more collaborative ways of doing software development, it is amazing to see the indian services companies are still far away from adopting it widely. Infact there are just a handful of indian services companies who claim to have development methodologies in agile fashion.

I think it is just a matter of time, when the clients will start demanding Agile as the way to do development and it is only then that the services companies will react.

Fortunately, most of the new start-ups and indian companies focussing on Products use it quite agressively and successfully.

Starting a Start-up - II

Finding the funds for starting on the path of turning ones ideas into business reality is one of the most enlightening and tricky step in the start-up journey. Few places one can get attention of the few venture capitalists in india are TiE and venturewoods also in news for their indian version of Band of Angels

If you are aware of more such forums, do let me know and i will update the blog

Starting a Start-up - I

If one has an interesting business idea and plans to startup a new independent operation in India, here are a few ideas one can use:

Been there .. done that
It helps to listen and take advice from people who have started out on their own over the last couple of years. Here's a partial list of such admirable people who also haapen to maintain their own blogs: (If you know of more such people, let me know and i will update this list)
It also helps to be an active member of Entrepreneur group like TiE which in my opinion is lot more useful to start-ups and upcoming entrepreneurs than say Nasscom

The other aspects i plan to cover in my future blogs are:

  • Money

  • People

  • Space

  • Network

  • Communications

  • Corporate Portal

  • Project Management

  • Sales

ps: hopefully i will keep building the list as and when things come to my mind.

Opening a Software IDC

For any multinational company thinking of opening a dev center in India, Sramana Mitra gives sound advice.
Having worked in Delhi, Hyderabad in software, i can see the importance of software companies need to understand and levarage India's cultural and ethnic diversity to its advantage.

My Number

You Are the Individualist


You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

Open Your Minds and KISS

i meant keep it simple, stupid! couple of blogs i read recently, which makes you stop and think
tyranny of the geeks kiss

STR (r.i.p) UTS

though i have been using Struts for over a year now, i have never been able to graduate to being its stauch supporter and believer. And this news (Struts being offically allowed to R.I.P with its new JSF based avataar taking over) just proves, there are a lot of people within Struts dev team who share the feeling.
The bigger Q now is how much sense does it make for new projects to commit themselves to Struts classic, which may not have a clear dev roadmap ahead.


so what does a software developer do in what little time he gets. The purpose being doing something for the community at large.
i have been podering over this for a while now and am unable to find any great alternatives. this is of course besides what every-body tells me (donations). i am talking abt using whtever skills i have for betterment of community at large.
Are there not govt agencies, NGOs, communities which require volunteers to consult them, help them with anything to do with technology, software, internet ??? Can somone point me to them or them to me

Coke & Software

Eventually, all the software product companies will function the way coca-cola does the world over. The difference currently is in ownership. Coke rarely owns a bottling plant and instead just owns the brands and the formulae if you will. It also has stringent quality norms and processes to ensure the bottlers are maintaining the desired quality.
In contrast, most software product companies have sizeable investment in their own dev centers, even off-shore development is usually under owned IDC. What these companies should be doing instead is : focus on creating a brand / product and owning its architecture, then have processes to ensure quality product deliveries.
while GE and likes get their software development in this manner but its a long way for the real software product companies.