
so what does a software developer do in what little time he gets. The purpose being doing something for the community at large.
i have been podering over this for a while now and am unable to find any great alternatives. this is of course besides what every-body tells me (donations). i am talking abt using whtever skills i have for betterment of community at large.
Are there not govt agencies, NGOs, communities which require volunteers to consult them, help them with anything to do with technology, software, internet ??? Can somone point me to them or them to me


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people are there with such feeling in software industry. I am one of those guys who think just like this. But somehow it's just like a momentary thing for me, I mean I think about this but whenever i get time I just don't do anyhing and just watch TV.
But it's good thought. - rajan

dentrassi said...

An interesting site i found was http://onlinevolunteering.org/
The only problem is they dont have 2 many projects which require specialized technology skills. but since this is just a recent initiative, i will keep looking at it

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://zsomkchy.com/xkmo/fmnt.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://eynuclbw.com/rhzn/luaj.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://zsomkchy.com/xkmo/fmnt.html | http://jenqabqo.com/rneb/pntn.html