Starting a Start-up - III (Software Infrastructure)

Continuing from my previous post on why we are seeing more and more start-ups these days, I mentioned the fact that lower entry barriers are also due to host of software infrastructure needs that can be addressed by open source or very economical but mature options.

So here is my list of softwares (mostly collaboration ones) that any start-up should consider:

  • asterisk: complete telephony solutions including conferencing, call queuing etc
Document Sharing:
Full Collaboration:
  • different teams & cos have different collaboration needs but if one is looking for a suite .. then one should look at zimbra and qnext and of course erstwhile groove
Let me know what kind os softwares you find useful in a startup.


Anonymous said...

Free Software Product Qnext

You have got to try Qnext ( and all the including services are free for use! Qnext provides Instant Messaging, Audio Chat, Video Conferencing, Music Streaming, Photo Sharing, File Sharing, Online Gaming, File Transfer, QnextMyPC and IRC. It is absolutley reliable and very easy to use!

Anonymous said...

New Qnext version was released

Qnext is created with new vision that will surprise many people that work with this product. The GUI is in new colors and the Web Site has new appearance. Qnext developes the communication services and gain success to involve them in web space.

Free download Qnext and enjoy with friends of Webcasts, shared by your buddies. Broadcast music, files and photos to selected recipients in the Web, using Qnext Webcasts.

Free Download Qnext